If you’ like to learn more about Online School, or get the inside scoop on how we get your child ready to live their best life, have a look at some of the frequently asked questions below. If there’s any further info you require, please don’t hesitate to contact the school. We’ll be glad to assist.

Each subject is taught by an online subject specialist teacher who guides their students through the academic process.

  • Students can contact their online teachers via email or Google Meet.
  • We have a 24 hour turn-around time on all communication.
  • Each online teacher keeps specific weekly Google Meet hours which provides further opportunity for students to contact them.
  • Parents are kept in the loop with all communication.

Online School monitors progress through the following key performance areas and criteria:

  • In most subjects assignments/tasks are due on a weekly basis.
  • The online subject teacher marks and provides feedback to their students.
  • The marks and feedback are available on Moodle for students and parents to view.
  • Due dates are non-negotiable and it is essential that students meet these deadlines.
  • Students who submit work after the due date (without prior permission from their online subject teacher) will receive zero for their submission.
  • In particular we are unable to extend any leniency with Grade 12 portfolio work, for which we are bound by external requirements.
  • If a Grade 12 student has not completed a certain minimum number of lessons and portfolio assessments by June, entry to the matric exam will be withdrawn. This will be at the discretion of the Online School Principal.

Glad you asked. Students spend approximately eight to nine hours a day on school work. This includes time spent on regular course work and completing homework and tasks.

This is obviously an estimation and will depend on how quickly, slowly or thoroughly a student works. Extra time will need to be spent on studying for weekly cycle tests.

It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that students have the necessary internet connectivity at home, a suitable computer, operating system, scanner and printer.

  • Internet Connectivity:

We recommend a stable internet connection with a speed of at least 4 Megabits per second. This may be an ADSL or fibre connection, or LTE if you are within a good coverage area.  We recommend a monthly cap of at least 30 Gigabytes. Connection speed and reliability are essential to the success of this programme. This is particularly important over the exam season and it is essential that students have an appropriate back-up plan. We suggest a 3G dongle or a data bundle on a cell phone as a back-up.

  • Computer:

A new i3 or i5 computer is sufficient.

We would not recommend working on an iPad, however a Mac is suitable.

  • Operating system:

Windows 10 or 7 is recommended.

Please note: if you select Computer Applications Technology as a subject, you will be required to use Windows and Microsoft Office (which must include Access) as these are required by the curriculum.

  • Browser:

Firefox, Internet Explorer or Chrome (in that order of preference)

  • Scanner and printer:

A home scanner and printer is required in order to scan and submit assignments, tests and exams.

During our four terms we have three academic cycles which are communicated at the beginning of the year.

  • All our reporting takes place on our operating system, Moodle.
  • Parents and supervisors can access their student’s marks at any time during the year. However, parents will be sent a comprehensive report at the end of each cycle.

Cycle marks are determined by a combination of course assignments, cycle tests and exams when relevant. The breakdown below provides additional details:

    • Cycle tests are written according to a schedule which is communicated to the students via their grade’s specific google calendar at the beginning of the year.
    • These tests are written on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 09:00 at home under supervision
  • Online subject teachers may schedule additional tests as the need arises.
  • Grade 10 and 11 students write exams in June and November.
  • Grade 12 students write in June, September and November.
  • An exam timetable is released in good time – usually three weeks before the commencement of exams.
  • The demands of the curriculum require that the normal work routine continues right up until the exams start.
  • Tests and exams are written in pen, scanned and saved and then uploaded on Moodle for marking.
  • Grade 10 and 11 June and November exams are written at home under exam conditions.
  • Grade 12 June exams are written at home under exam conditions
  • Grade 12 prelim and final exams are written at a central designated exam venue

It is a requirement that all students attend their relevant Contact Sessions at central designated venues. In addition:

  • Grade 10 and 11 students attend one session and Grade 12 students attend three throughout the course of the year.
  • Practical components and orals are completed during this time.
  • Grade 12 contact sessions are generally held in March, July and October.
  • Grade 10 and 11 contact sessions are generally held in April.
  • Exact dates are set at the beginning of the year.
  • Each session is three/four days in duration.
  • Grade 12s will complete the required IEB assignments and portfolio work.
  • Parents make the necessary transport and accommodation requirements.
  • Failure to attend these sessions may result in a student having to repeat the course the next year.

We have four terms, and our dates are similar to the government schools but not exactly the same.

Yes. Generally students adjust very quickly to using the online learning platform, however, students and parents should expect and prepare for an adjustment period.

  • Online learning requires students to work independently and take responsibility for their own learning.
  • Students who are already accustomed to working independently and taking responsibility for their own learning, may find the adjustment somewhat easier.

Yes. There is an additional Grade 12 IEB exam fee.

The number of lessons per week depends on the subject. In Grade 10-12 there are typically about 5 lessons per subject.

The National Senior Certificate (NSC) also known as a “Matric” has been offered since 2008. Umalusi issues the NSC and our students are registered with the IEB (Independent Examinations Board).

The IEB is an independent assessment body, and is globally recognised, and has been accredited by Umalusi for the National Senior Certificate since 2008 (prior to that called the JMB established in 1988).

  • The IEB is at the forefront of innovations in terms of improvement of examination systems and processes.
  • The IEB ensures that it keeps abreast with developments in assessment by actively participating in regional and international assessment associations.
  • The qualifications assessed by the IEB enjoy international recognition.
  • The IEB, through their assessments, are motivated to develop learners who are:
    • critical users of information
    • ethical reasoners
    • problem solvers
    • creative and reflective thinkers
    • lifelong learners
    • respectful of diversity, particularly in the Southern African context

The Online School has been operating since 2009 and we’ve been an IEB-registered examination centre since 2012. Our track record of a 100% matric pass rate since 2012, and 100% bachelor degree passes since 2016 proves that our school is big on results and committed to the future success of your child.

A subject offered by a secondary (external) provider must result in an IEB exam being written at the end of Grade 12. This is called Mixed Provisioning and can be completed for most subjects except those with a very large practical component (like Art and Drama).

  • The parent may engage the services of a reputable secondary provider who meets the Online School’s criteria:
    • Is an experienced subject special teacher
    • Has been employed as a Grade 12 teacher at an IEB school within the last two years
  • The secondary provider must enter into an agreement with the parents and the Online School and will agree to,  among other requirements:
    • Attend the relevant NSC (IEB) conference at the beginning of year (at their own cost).
    • Join and attend all subject cluster meetings in their area
    • Take responsibility to ensure all School Based Assessments are completed
    • Take responsibility for tuition of the students
    • Take responsibility for assessment of the students
    • Plan assessments according the Online School term planner and calendar