Effective ways to successfully embrace the Digital Age

A digital world needs the kind of online education that is both suitable and appropriate for the children of today, so that they can be active participants it the world of tomorrow. Global indicators all point to the fact that the traditional classroom no longer offers an educational curriculum that allows children to adequately prepare for what lies immediately ahead.

At Online School, we have designed an effective, relevant and practical learning content of ten subjects that start from Grade 8, up until Grade 9. These include English (HL), Afrikaans (FAL), IsiZulu (FAL), Maths, Natural Science, Social Science, Technology, IT, Creative Arts, EMS (Economic Management Sciences), and Life Orientation.

Thereafter, students specialise in subjects that will pave the way forward to their areas of study, and finally, their careers. The Grade 10-12 subject offering includes English (HL), Afrikaans (FAL), IsiZulu (FAL), Maths, Maths Lit, Physical Science, Life Sciences, Geography, Business Studies, CAT and LO


Our innovative programme architecture centres around three core options:

Option 1: Full time (The full online suite)

Option 2: Single subject (Top-up subjects)

Option 3: School-based (Use our programme at your own school)

Each option is designed with the needs of both parent and child in mind. The course material is presented by specialist teachers who promote holistic learning, each course option embraces the concept of innovation in education.  Our overall approach is simple – lots of smart with lots of heart.

Who benefits from online schooling?

Delivered through the online learning environment, this option provides a comprehensive, in-depth curriculum with parental involvement and support. The teachers provide the instruction, assessment and accreditation.


  • Students learn at their own pace
  • Parents are actively involved in their child’s learning, while the child studies in a stress-free and comfortable environment
  • The student learns discipline, and is responsible for their own work
  • Effectively prepares the student for university life

Designed to supplement a learner’s development outside their current school’s curriculum, the single subject option is a tailored solution to bridge the gap between extra tuition and extra exam subjects.


  • Ideal if the learner wishes to take on an extra school subject or if a particular school subject is not covered. 
  • Excellent as a form of extra tuition for a specific learning area
  • Perfect for matriculants who have finished their school career, but need additional subjects for entry into a tertiary institution
  • Of particular help to students who need to complete their matric over one or more years

Online School is both committed and passionate about sharing our high-quality educational curriculum available to schools across the country. Towards this end, schools and learning centres are invited to enrol whole classes or individual learners for this option.


  • Students access the Online School at their school under supervision
  • The supervisor who does not need to be a subject specialist; simply provides accountability, support and structure for the learners
  • Reduced workload for the school’s teaching staff as Online School teachers conduct all assessments
  • Your child benefits from achieving an Independent Examination Board (IEB) matric qualification that is recognised worldwide


An overview on the Independent Examinations Board (IEB ) National Senior Certificate (NSC)

Benefits of the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) Qualification
The IEB’s mandate is to ensure that learners in South Africa become a valuable human resource, equipped with the skills and knowledge to allow South Africa to compete and to contribute towards the global economy. The IEB NSC is a South African qualification that is equivalent to the UK AS level, and provides Umalusi accredited examinations in all subjects recognised in the National Senior Certificate (NSC) for all IEB-registered schools.

Key notes on the IEB qualification

The IEB uses the South African National Curriculum which is regulated by the Department of Basic Education.

  • The IEB NSC is quality assured by Umalusi, the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education.
  • The IEB NSC is an internationally benchmarked qualification and is equivalent to Cambridge AS level.


The online system gives these students and their parents the freedom to log on from home and manage their own learning environments. a

Grade 8 – 9

Core Subjects

These comprise of:

  • English(HL)
  • Afrikaans(FAL)
  • isiZulu (FAL)
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Creative Arts
  • Economics and Management Sciences (EMS)
  • Life Orientation.

Grade 10 – 12

Core Subjects

These comprise of:

  • Home Language (English)
  • First Additional Language (Afrikaans or isiZulu)
  • Mathematics or Maths Literacy
  • Life Orientation
  • Elective subjects

Elective Subjects

These include:

  • Physical Sciences
  • Life Sciences
  • Computer Applications Technology (CAT)
  • Business Studies
  • Geography
  • Accounting
  • Tourism
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Engineering Graphics and Design (EGD)
  • History

*Important note for foreign students: Learners who qualify for immigrant status are exempt from the First Additional Language requirement and may choose another subject in its place, not necessarily a language.

University entrance requirements

The NSC is the main entrance requirement into universities. Most institutions  use the NSC results in addition to the results of common entrance tests (benchmarking tests) to determine a candidate’s suitability for tertiary study. In South Africa, universities are at liberty to apply their own criteria to select students for admission into the various faculties. Usually, this includes a pass in certain mandatory subjects, such as English, Mathematics, or Science. In addition, university entrance criteria may also consider the Admission Point Score (APS) as explained in the ‘Elective Subjects’ heading above, that may influence a candidate’s aptitude and acceptance to study.